What is this world coming to? Do you ever ask yourself this question? The world feels more divided than ever. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn had great insight when he observed that “The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties, but right through every human heart and through all human hearts.”
The good news, though, is that God loves all of us and our crazy dysfunctional world. So much so, that God sent the Son, to show how great God’s love is for us. Jesus entered into the dysfunctional human experience of the people of his time and loved them. Jesus enters into our swiftly changing times and loves us. On Valentine’s Day, in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus heals a deaf man who is unable to speak with the word, “Ephphatha, be opened,” and all the astonished witnesses exclaim, “He makes the deaf hear and the mute speak!’
When will we be open our minds to hear in our hearts the truth of Jesus’ message of love for all peoples and speak words of love and unity to one another? When? When we know that God is crazy in love with all of us and longs to end our divisions with the healing words, “Be open.”
"Life for me is Christ." Phil1:21
Redemptoristine Nuns are a worldwide monastic contemplative Order who strive to be a living memorial, an active participant of Jesus' life in today’s Church for the salvation of the world. The Sisters celebrate this life of prayer, praise and intercession in the name of all, and in support of the missionary activity of the Redemptorist priests and brothers.