See our Associate Blog for reflections under 'Sisters Share.'
The Redemptoristine Association is a group of persons who wish to live fully the Gospel of Christ in every aspect their lives. In the spiritual heritage of Ven. Maria Celeste Crostarosa, as well as the tradition of St. Alphonsus de Liguori, they pray daily, seek to live simply and in a spirit of service in their everyday life. The Associates desire to be in a special way, in the Church and in the world, a visible witness Christ the Redeemer.
The Associates’ lives radiate a spirit of love and contribute to the support
of the contemplative life of their Redemptoristine Sisters, as well as to the apostolic life of the Redemptorist brothers by devoting some time each day to scripture reading and meditation.
The Associates meet quarterly via ZOOM. The meetings are a time for the Associates and Sisters to pray together, share their life’s journey and deepen their spiritual growth by means of input on various topics from the Sisters.
They are welcome to participate in programs at the monastery, receive notification of special events, make private retreats and enjoy the prayerful support of the Sisters and other Associates who are traveling on the common spiritual journey.